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To train and prepare children to be leaders of the future through a sound academic teaching based on Christ. To Train leaders that when they take any decision, chose based on the Christian character; before a profession, wisdom; before being outstanding, to serve others before oneself.  All this as a standard in our life.


To bring a academic excellence based on Bible principles.

To prepare and form men and women of integrity.


“Nothing brings me greater happiness tan to hear that my children are obeying the truth”

III John: 4


The enrollment process for every next school year will begin mid-July. You should get in touch with the school to add your name or your child's name to the "prospect" list we issue each year. Every new student will pass an evaluation test. This test will define the entrance of your kid to the school. The Academy will prepare a written note of the result of this test. After this, the process of admission and enrollment will start. The cost for this test is $20.00 and cannot be reimbursed.

Admission requirements: Every new student will pay an admission fee. This admission fee will depend on the grade your child is and can be paid in one payment ore monthly payments during the year.

Enrollment requirements: As soon as your child passes the test and evaluations and has been accepted, the enrollment fee should be paid no longer than october 30th of each year to secure his/her seat at PCA. You should bring the following documents when you come to pay the enrollment fee: 2 carnet pictures, scholar birth certificate, health certificate, including blood and heces; and a copy of the vaccine records. For students that are transferring from another school, should also bring, last report card, clear payment certification and scholar credits.


Also as a requirement, every parent will sign a Contract which will state benefits, duties and rights.








Panama Christian Academy © 2016

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